Tuesday, April 17, 2012

18 days

That's it. Only 18 days left until my life is over. Hypothetically speaking.

I guess I should explain...

I am a Senior Marketing Major. I Graduate in 18 days. My life as I've known it and loved it for the past four years is about to end. I have no job and no clue what to do next.

Before you jump to conclusions, I've done well at school. Honors fraternity, honors cords, dean's list. Extra curricular activities and volunteering. I've done the internship thing. Grad school was next, until I didn't take the test and it was too late to apply. Not to mention my lack of work experience. It is such a catch 22, you go to school but you don't have experience. You go to work and you don't have enough education.

So now, I have to figure out where my life is going in the next 18days. Or 14 because I'll be traveling on a bus to Alabama and Playing rugby for four of them.

18 days.

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