Wednesday, April 18, 2012


So today we had the Company of The Year speak at my school.

Our company was Volvo.

And basically I was told to stick around my campus and the immediate area if I want to work for them, and I should want to work for them because they are growing, they are profitable, and they can predict future demands of construction equipment.

I don't want to work for them. I don't want to live in farmland. BUT I want a job. I want a job so bad and I could go to my alma mater for grad school.

So my options are ever increasing
-go home, find an internship and a part time job. Work and go to grad school
-work for a year doing whatever then go to grad school in Pittsburgh
-Stay at school, work part time and intern at Volvo for a potential future position
-Do nothing.

I guess I have 17 days to figure it out.

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